Saturday, February 28, 2009

Getting frogged in Katherine

Hi Pa,

Thanks for your phone call the other day.  I'm sorry to hear the sad news about Aunty Marg, I'm sure she is as peace now.

I'm feeling a lot better this weekend, I even had enough energy to walk to the shops and back today.

Anyway, I've been taking lots of photos with the camera I got from Imo, Ned and Ben for Christmas, and I wanted to share some unexpected froggy guests that have been visiting the Taj.

I found this one swimming around quite happily in our pool.  I felt obliged to fish him out, however, as there is no way for him to hop out, and he would have been sucked into the pool filter ere long.

This little tacker hopped in our front door.  My housemate and I thought that it could have been a baby cane toad because of the stripe on it's back, but on closer inspection of it's bulgy eyes (cane toads have a ridge over their eyes) we discovered it was a cute froggy after all.

I hope you and Nana had a good time for Nana's Birthday last weekend.  I hope to talk to you soon.

Love to you and Nana and the family,

x Hooch.


At 10:56 pm, Blogger ilkfin said...

You do have some amazing visitors!


At 10:16 am, Blogger pa said...

Dear Hooch,
Nana and I are glad that you are on the mend. We hope that you will soon be your old self sgain. What a great picture of your frog and so colourful. Nana enjoyed her birthday. It was a lovely day at Wendy's with many of the family present.

Love from Nana and Pa

At 10:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the bright green one is called a 'Giant Burrowing Frog'. Still not sure about the little brown one.


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